Saturday, February 18, 2006


The Japanese name for the bullet train is shinkansen which means literally "new main rail line" but you may see it translated as super express or more popularly as bullet train. The shinkansen system has been in place now for a number of years and there is an extensive network throughout Japan. In the picture you can see a number of different models that have come out over the years.

The largest is the "Max" which is the extra wide double decker in the upper left. The oldest model is the bullet shaped one on the far lower left.

The rail infrastructure here is amazing. The local train and underground in the Tokyo area is clean, safe, very much on time, and at rush hour very crowded. The shinkansen is convenient, comfortable, and fast.

In Japan, there are a lot of train nuts. They want to see, ride, model, photograph, etc. It is the usual bunch of fanatics - young boys and middle aged men. You can buy a special low cost ticket that lets you stand on the platform like I did here and take pictures. Neat...

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