Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Scroll

The scroll, according to David, is where the luthier imparts his aesthetic mark on an instrument. The scroll, along with some other distinctive features like the "f" holes and purfling distinguish a maker and are clues to his skill and care in instrument making. They are part of his signature.

I wrote yesterday that individuals don't make things anymore. That is isn't really true. I read somewhere that more photographs have been made since the dawn of the digital age than all time before. That may be true... Think about the gazillion mobile cell phones out there, not to mention the little point and shoots. I think I have made over 40,000 snaps between my D3 and D200. That is significantly more than I ever shot on film.

The thing is, most of them are just that - snapshots. Sometimes I shoot the same thing a dozen times the same way just to make sure I got it. Of course this just results in a dozen mediocre shots of the same thing.

I tell myself that what I need to do something different. Different angles, depth of field, light, etc. I need to think before I snap. Anyway, I am working on that.

The other thing I need to do is develop a style, just like the luthier. Something unique, that causes people to think of me when they see it. But for now, I'll just keep trying to make better pictures. If I take 100,000 snaps, somewhere in there is bound to be a good picture.


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