Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sam Houston

This statue of Sam Houston is located at the entrance to Hermann Park.

The city of Houston was named after Sam Houston (of course). Old Sam was born in 1793 near Lexington, Virginia. To say the least, his early life was interesting and he lived with the Cherokees, became a war hero in the War of 1812, was a lawyer, a congressman and governor of Tennessee, a heavy drinker and a discredited politician who beat a adversary with a cane on Pennsylvannia Avenue.

Obviously, this was a man destined to move to Texas and he did so in 1832 as the Texas revolution was coming to a boil. As every school child in Texas knows, he eventually led a small Texas army to defeat Santa Anna at San Jacinto. Eventually Houston was elected President of the new republic (twice), and served as a governor and senator after it became a state.

The city of Houston was founded in August 1836 by two brothers, J.K. Allen and A.C. Allen in Houston's honor. Houston died in 1863 with wife Margaret by his side. His last recorded words were "Texas. Texas. Margaret".

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