Sunday, June 22, 2008

Up on a Tightrope

I am back in Houston, but I don't have any good images taken here yet. So here is a picture of the tightroper statue in the square on South Bank next to Stanleys - the best big brekky in Brisbane - from last weekend (I can't publish this without mentioning that I faked the cable under him and removed the guy wires holding him up). The unicyclist was put back up in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the World Expo. They were known as the white statues and there were a number of them up during Expo.

In Houston, they don't know how to make hot milk for a cappuccino. At Starbucks, the barista brought me another one this morning after I had started drinking the first. To her credit, she did this because she said the steamer wasn't working right and she couldn't serve a coffee less than her best. I was a bit surprised because I thought the milk on the first one was pretty good for Starbucks - the foam was smooth and silky - like stirred paint as Teresa says, andTeresa has a barista certificate. The second cup the Starbucks barista brought me had huge bubbles in it like they always do at Starbucks. Anyway, she let me keep both of them, but I enjoyed the first one the most.

David says I am a food snob. It's not true. I just like my cappuccino foam smooth and silky like latex paint.


Anonymous said...

Definitely a food snob!

Anonymous said...

And you have recently become a wine snob. Own it, Dad. ~ Megs

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Dave since a large cappuchino at Starbucks costs about the same as a gallon of latex paint at Home Depot. (And they taste about the same).

Random Traveller said...

I am surprised and not just a little hurt by these comments. I was just trying to raise the gastronomic sophistication of my readers a small amount. I won't let it deter me though -- I'll keep trying.