Friday, June 27, 2008


In Brisbane, I walked to work across the river and through the Botanical Gardens. Or, if I was lazy, I could take the city ferry from the landing at the bottom of the hill around the bend to Eagle Street, disembark, and walk the remaining 200 meters. For the benefit of those interested, I could stop along the way and get a good espresso if I wanted.

In Houston, there is no way I can walk to work from where we live. I commute. I can drive a couple of miles and take a bus I guess. Or, I can just drive like everyone else. I don't mind commuting that much except I am wasting 30 minutes each day each way. You can see my view... No exercise. No birds. No trees. No possums. Cities in the United States need to solve the transport problem and get denser. The greater the density, the less distance to travel, and the more efficient mass transit becomes. And don't forget the parks and paths for bikes and walking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That picture doesn't look safe at all, Dad. Did you have a fancy espresso in one hand and your camera in another? Just kidding. We only make fun of you because you are important and fancy and awesome.