Sunday, July 08, 2007

Aussie Watering Hole

In Brisbane, there are lots of sidewalk cafe / bars - everybody likes to be outside. This one is in the middle of Queen Street (it is a pedestrian street now) and features television so that you can watch sports - another favorite Aussie activity.

They love coffee here but the closest thing to American coffee is espresso with heated milk - really a latte - but they call it a "flat white" since it doesn't have foam like a cappucino. There are lots of beers served - note that this one sports exotic Michelob as well as Cooper's Pale Ale.

There is something kind of neat about this picture that I didn't notice until I got home and downloaded it. Click on the picture and blow it up to full size then read the red poster at the bottom of the picture just to the right of the pastry counter. It is an advertisement for a soccer game to be played between Qatar and Japan that they will televise in this Australian bar. The world is a small place...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A big slice of carrot cake and a pint of pale ale while watching Ausie Rules Footy in the middle of a blocked off street... Awesome!!!