Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Yebisu - OK, I admit it, they were at the Beer Museum. Yebisu is my kind of guy too. He has his own beer, likes to fish, is lucky for businesmen, etc. What more can you ask for?


Swan Maiden said...

Uncle Frank,

I most assuredly do not remember you taking us to the beer museum. Without fail, I would have remembered that. I remember beer nuts... but not too much beer... especially museum beer. That is some type of party foul.


Random Traveller said...

I didn't take you guys to the beer museum because I thought you were from the cultured side of the family. Oh wait, now I remember, you are the two that wanted to go to the Tokyo Hard Rock Cafe instead of the Noh Theater. OK, but we had to save something for the next visit...