Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Mystery to Sowa Ice Cream Shop Solved

This map should solve the mystery of why I had not previously spotted the Sowa Ice Cream Shop as first reported on February 3rd, 2005. This is the actual map given to me by Kiyoko-san and it clearly shows the location of the shop with a pointing hand. Even I was able to pinpoint the location immediately on the map by following the finger to the spot where the shop is located. I have added a large red arrow which indicates the path I normally follow along the street when going through this area.

At this point, I should mention that I don't take this path every day, but maybe have gone down the road 20 times or so in the past on the way to Kamiyacho. If you will observe, I would have to twist unnaturally to the right and look somewhat behind me down the small side street in order to observe the ice cream shop. Also, I should mention that I normally go this way in daylight when the admittedly garish sign is not near so obvious.

Let he among ye who hasn't worn glasses throw the first cone. Or said another way, those who live in glass igloos shouldn't snow cones.



Random Traveller said...

I was unaware that the Association was still active, having thought it was disbanded when at the last meeting only two members plus O.J. Simpson showed up at the appointed venue - a bar in New Orleans. I am well aware of all the "talk" members have given over the years to their keen observational powers but wish to point out that there are no actual verfified recordings of any of them actually finding a cave. The nearest thing being the time a member claimed to have found a sinkhole on his way home from the annual meeting. The following day a neighbor reported that something had been crashing around after falling in their root cellar the previous night but had somehow gotten out and stumbled off by the time they got down there. All this talk about the Association reminds me of alcohol. I might have to report on various Japanese beverages in the future. This being a key part of the Association's activities, I might be able to start a new chapter up over here. It is not uncommon to see potential members stumbling home at night or towards the train.

Random Traveller said...

Meg: Thank you for your supportive words.

Nick Nack: Anything I said that the MCHA might find offensive is of course unintentional. There was also the rumor of the associate who touched a stalactite that was 10’s of 1000’s of years old and stopped it from growing. But that was only rumor and I have no intention of repeating anything like that here.

In fact, I think that you have (probably through modesty) omitted some of the more impressive scientific accomplishments of the association. In addition to the more showy expeditions to Bluff Dwellers and Truitt’s Cave that capture the popular imagination there were endeavors that probably had even greater academic value. Among these would be trying to find the source of the cold breeze in the spring in back of Granddad’s house and investigations of various holes under the bluffs.

I am glad the Juice was dropped for not paying dues and would of course make up my overdue payments should I be reinstated.

Teresa said...

Anyone who has traveled with Frank knows that he is famous for setting out on foot in a direction towards a landmark, and two to four hours later, finding the destination, with or without the map. But I can verify, that the suspicious man in Kyoto (who was on a bicycle, no less), was unaware of Frank's gift, and only aware that most Americans are not traveling from the train station to the Pagoda (several miles) on foot.

Teresa said...

Can you clarify who the "Blog Administrator" is?

Random Traveller said...

I am the Blog Administrator and Megan is the author. I deleted her second comment because it was a duplicate of the first. She deleted the first later because... well, because she is Megan.

I can't put the comment back once it is deleted. But I do get an email that has the message on it so I have a record. If you are interested, here is what it said, verbatim:

Don't worry, Dad! I think we've been through Kamiyacho and I never saw Sowa...and believe me, if there was an ice cream shop like that that was noticable, I would have been in there enjoying a delicious Sowa in no time. Your keen observation skills aren't questioned over here, and you did steer us to Tokyo University without a map, so I will vouch that you have not lost your navigational skills either.