Sunday, February 06, 2005

Crossing the Street at Shibuya Station

This crossing is always crowded, and of course, lit up at night.

I am fine and hope you are also. This week I posted some pictures and sparked unexpected interest from my readers about fashion accessories, in particular bags from the train picture. Pull down the comments and you will see. Thanks to those who make a comment - I get a message when that happens and always go to look and see who posted it.

By the way, you might have noticed that sometimes I put a V=xxx at the bottom of a posting. This is the cumulative number of times the blog has been viewed since I started the counter about 2 months ago. So by looking at that I can tell that it is accessed over a 100 times a week right now. So, even though some of you access it more than once a week I am guessing there are a fair number of people I don't know visiting and sometimes they leave comments. Interesting...

Sa, mata ato de...



Anonymous said...

FYI, I visit your blog every day ever since I discovered your blog last week. :)

Miss Cipher

Random Traveller said...

Thank you Miss Cipher, I am honored.