Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Painting the eye on Daruma-san

A traditional thing to do at the start of the New Year, or sometimes of a project, is to set a goal and then paint in one eye on a Daruma doll. If the goal is obtained you paint in the other eye. Here Ikeda-san paints in the eye of Daruma with the goal of a successful project for us following the kagamiwari.

Daruma was an Indian monk who established Zen Buddhism. According to legend, he meditated so long he lost the use of his arms and legs. Once during meditation he lost concentration and fell asleep. He was so angry he cut off his eyelids and when they fell to the ground they are said to have sprouted China's first green tea plants. Only later did Zen arrive in Japan. Here is a site if you would like to read more about him: Daruma

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