Sunday, August 15, 2010

Extinct Glacier

The Cascade Amphitheatre is a good long walk from the parking lot at the ski lodge of Mt. Norquay.  And most of it is uphill.  But it is very pretty when you get there.  The wall is massive and very impressive as you approach it.  It was formed by a glacier that once inhabited the top of the mountain but is now long gone.  On the other side of the wall is the face of Cascade Mountain that you can see from Banff.

I saw lots of pikas but didn't get a good picture because I didn't lug a telephoto up.  They were gathering grass to make into hay for the winter.  I also saw chipmunks and ground squirrels and walked right under a hawk in a tree about 25' above me on the way up.  There was a large group of ewes with lambs - maybe 20 or more that I spotted on the way down.

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