Saturday, February 02, 2013

Boulder River Trail, North Cascades

It was a beautiful day to walk in the North Cascades.  This tree fell across the trail and from the looks of things had been there quite a while.  The trail follows an old logging track and is gentle and easy.  There was a bit of snow that made things slick in places but still a nice day to be out.


Unknown said...

Do you take the D3 on these hikes? If so, what sort of strap are you using?

Random Traveller said...

I usually take the D3 and I'll have a 70-200 with tele-extender as well as 24-70 if I expect to see wildlife. I take a backpack. If the going is tough, everything is in the backpack. On a moderate trail I put the backpack on first and then the camera on a regular strap with the strap over one shoulder and the lens pointed behind me and down. Then I put the chest strap on the back pack across the camera strap in front which keeps it from moving too much but I can just reach the camera and bring it up for a picture if I want. If I'm photographing waterfalls or wildflowers I have a place to strap my tripod onto the backpack.