Tuesday, March 09, 2010


This looks like a vase or urn but I think it may be a candelabra since the throat is closed off and is about candle size.  It sits in my mother's living room on the floor.

I have a recollection of Aunt Becky saying in a matter of fact manner that it was a wedding gift to Mama and Papa by the dwarf that lived in the barn.  Mama and Papa are my paternal grandmother Honey's parents.  This would mean the vase dates from the turn of the last century.

I don't know any more than that about it.  But sometimes the story is better when you don't know all the facts and your mind has to wrestle with the gaps.


Anonymous said...

The dwarf's name was Ed Powell. Papa Duskin's father was crippled from the "fever" and Ed's msin purpose was to wait on him. I can tell you much more about him as Mother spoke of him often. Mama and Papa Duskin were married Sept.12,1901. Janie

Megan said...

This is an excellent story that needed to be immortalized. How we never heard about it as kids is beyond me. I love that vase - Ed had excellent taste.

Great picture, Dad. I love the detail when it's enlarged.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that if you rub it while singing Hey Jude backwards, a Genie will pop out and grant you lifetime immunity to cooties.

Joel Duskin said...

Frank: This is Joel Duskin, your Aunt Rebecca's first cousin and Honey's nephew.
I met Cody at the TMEA convention in San Antonio about 15 years ago when he was in the All-State Orchestra. We plan to go again this year..Feb. 10-12.
I email my cousins Janie and Rebecca frequently and we got together in Rogers, AR in Oct.
I had never seen this vase. I felt very lucky to have spent nearly 3 years in Fayetteville when Dad was gone during WW2. Mother's parents also lived in Fay. so I am sure I was the "rottenist" kid in the area !!
Your photography is fantastic !!
email address: patnjoel9179@att.net