Saturday, January 09, 2010

Moose and Beaver

Moose and beaver seen outside trading post on Stephens Avenue in Calgary...

I have been giving this some thought and I believe it should have been a moose and beaver, and not a moose and squirrel (click on the link for an old commercial with R&B, Natasha and Boris, and the Bunny) in Rocky and Bullwinkle. Moose is easy - he is a handsome and elegant fellow. But a flying squirrel? Nobody thinks of a flying squirrel when they think of the wild and frigid north. Squirrels sell out and play second banana to rabbits in battery commercials.

The beaver though, now there is a majestic creature worthy of representing Frostbite Falls. I have heard that next to man (must be a pretty distant second place) the beaver is the animal that has most changed the face of North America with his dams. Of course if you have ever seen the damage from the Pine Beetle you might think it was insects that were in second place. Anyway, my vote for casting Rocky would have been for a beaver.

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