Saturday, August 23, 2008

Houston CBD

This is a shot of Houston Downtown from Heritage Park near the bayou. Years ago, I made a very similar shot and it was interesting to compare the two photographs and see how things have changed.

I haven't taken too many pictures lately but I did get a few this weekend. I also bought a new graphics tablet that allows me to use Photoshop a little more efficiently on my computer. It has a stylus that acts more like a pen or pencil instead of a clumsy mouse. I am still getting use to it though.

When I went to buy the tablet the girl at checkout asked me "what is that?" A graphics tablet I told her. "What do you use that for?" she asked me. I told her. "Oh" she said, "I should have known that. My generation is all about computers."

Hmmm, I thought. I was writing computer code before this girl was born. From what I've seen, most of these kids are pretty good at Guitar Hero, but I don't consider that to be particularly tech savvy. Kids...

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