Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Less than Truthful

Everbody knows that photographs can be altered such that they don't reflect reality. Actually, no photograph really reflects reality. Think about it - it is a technically limited two dimensional recording of a 3 dimensional reality. I would digress into Heisenberg's Uncertainy Theorem and how nothing can really be recorded accurately but that probably would be over the top. Well, if you insist, you can read about it here.

But back to today's topic. The second photograph is derived from the first - double click each picture and look them over carefully. The original isn't a particularly good rendition of the scene as I saw it to begin with. What interested me at the time were the beautiful clouds and the panorama. I didn't have a conventional lens that would take in all of what I was seeing so I used the fisheye. This fisheye records 180 degrees corner to corner and distorts the heck out of everything by definition so we know right off it isn't going to be an accurate rendition.

The original is pretty poor. In addition to the fact that I had the camera at a tilt, the photo is boring, has no focus point, and the water is ugly. So, to make it more like what I wanted, I ran it through a rectilinear filter to get rid of the fisheye, straightened it, and then played with the colors until I liked the clouds and shoreline. Then I made a copy of the upper half and flipped it to make the mirrored scene on the river. I filtered it some more to make it look more like a reflection and then cropped it to make a panorama.

Actually, my "improvement" looks a bit fake and post card like but it is more interesting than the original. I don't do this sort of thing often but it is kind of fun every once in a while...

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