Sunday, October 15, 2006

High School Revisited

I have been in Houston the last two weeks and was fortunate to be in the area when my 35th High School Reunion was held. The picture in the lower right was taken in 1973, after we had been out of High School a year or two, and the 4 young men are Chopper, Brent Terrill, myself, and Garland Ermis.

It is hard to believe I have been out of High School for 35 years and it was fun to go back and see old friends. We reproduced the pose pretty well I think. Of course it was 2:00 in the morning so the fact that we were awake and sentient was in itself an accomplishment. The picture was taken at the famous "after party" party. I got the came from the furthest away award. At least I would have received it if there had been one. Next week I'm back to Qatar...


Anonymous said...

You know your getting old when you are partying at 2 AM and you replace a pint of Seagrams 7 with a two quart diet Coke from Buc-cee's.

Random Traveller said...

Knowing Chopper, I am pretty sure it wasn't Diet Coke.