Saturday, June 30, 2012

Random Sights, Victoria BC

The capitol of the province with a statue of Queen Victoria out front
Houseboats and kayaks
A figure from a totem pole
A street performer who calls himself plasterman

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Franklin Falls

Franklin Falls is at the end of a nice and easy trail near Snoqualmie Pass.  An old wagon trail runs nearby to the right of the picture and Interstate 90 is to the left and above.  There is still melting snow visible left and center.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Alki Point Light

As I think I've written before, the Alki Point Light is our local lighthouse.  The sign in the top photo reads:

There has been a light showing safe anchorage off the point ever since the Denny Party first founded Seattle.  This light house, one of 13 in the PugetSound area, was built and run by the U.S. Light House Service in 1913 as an aid to navigation.  The service was taken over by Coast Guard in 1939, but it wasn't until 1970 that one of the last two two civilian light house keepers retired here at Alki Point.

The second photo is taken from inside the tower back towards the lighthouse keepers houses where a Coast Guard Admiral lives.